Jet lag diet
Jet lag diet can work for you, if you have tried every medical and other solution for jet lag, and still find your self struggling for days after every flight. It was developed in Oregon as a diet that was successfully tested on soldiers, to relieve jet lag of armies moving frequently to different places around the world.
3 days jet lag diet
Start the diet three days before the flight. The first day breakfast and lunch should be high in protein to stimulate the activities of the body. These meals are complex meat dishes, eggs, and green vegetables. Dinner will be carbohydrate-rich, in order to speed up the mechanism of sleep. Drinking coffee is limited to hours 15:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon.
On the second day eat light meals including salads, soups, fruits and juices. Coffee continues to be limited to the hours 15:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon.
Each direction – differnet jet lag
The third day has same program the first day. On the fourth day – the day of the flight, the menu identical to the second day – light meals, but now drinking beverages with caffeine is limited to the morning if you’re flying west, or the hours 18:00 to 23:00 pm If you are flying to the east.
If you are flying to the west, eat just for half a day, and in any case do not drink alcohol on the plane.
The jet lag diet also recommend a nap on the plane just before the last breakfast on plane, and eat a breakfast rich in proteins. After that, stay awake and eat the next meals in accordance with local time at destination.