Cigaretes and Alcohol prices at Duty Frees

Flightips are collecting information for comparing Cigarettes and popular alcohol prices in airport Duty free and on plane duty free around the world. Below you can find comparison from few selected airports.

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The prices are for single item – In some duty frees you can find bundle deals if you buy more than one item

Changi Singapore Singapore:

·     Johnnie Walker Black (Whisky) – 32.3 USD

·     Absolute Blue (Vodka) – 15 USD

·     Chivas Regal 12 YO 1L – 30 USD

Frankfurt Airport Germany

·     Marlboro red king size filter 200p – 43 USD

·     Chivas Regal 12 YO 1L – 48 USD 

·     Johnnie Walker Black (Whisky) – 48 USD  

·     Absolute Blue (Vodka) – 24 USD

Schiphol t Airport

·     Chivas Regal 12 YO 1L – 39 USD

O’hare Airport Chicago 

·     Marlboro red king size filter 200p -30 USD

·     Marlboro Light 200p – 30 USD  

·     Johnnie Walker Black (Whisky) – 31 USD  

·     Chivas Regal 12 YO 1L – 31 USD 

·     Absolute Blue (Vodka) – 18 USD

JFK Airport New York

·     Marlboro red king size filter 200p -30 USD

·     Marlboro Light 200p – 30 USD

·     Johnnie Walker Black (Whisky) – 31 USD

·     Chivas Regal 12 YO 1L – 31 USD

·     Absolute Blue (Vodka) – 18 USD

Ben-Gurion Airport Israel

·     Marlboro red king size filter 200p -36 USD

·     Marlboro Light 200p – 36 USD

·      Johnnie Walker Black (Whisky) – 47 USD

·     Chivas Regal 12 YO 1L – 47 USD

·     Absolute Blue (Vodka) – 16 USD